Holy Week Coloring Pages

Happy Holy Week! This is my favorite week of the year, and I want to help your family celebrate at home. If you haven’t downloaded my Holy Week for Holy Families devotional guide, it’s not too late to do that! I also have a list of my all time favorite Easter basket gifts for faithful families here. And to top it off, I’ve created four free coloring pages for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. Just right click, press “Save to Downloads” and enjoy! You can also download at the link here.

Holy Week Guide

Get 50% off this guide when you become a Little Way Chapel Member.

Holy Week for Holy Families is a 32 page digital download, guiding families through Holy Week at home. Please note, this purchase is for individual use only. If you would like to purchase a group license for unlimited distribution rights, you can do so here.

The Holy Week for Holy Families guide includes:

  • An overview of Holy Week

  • A lesson, liturgy, and activity for each day of Holy Week from Palm Sunday through a Holy Saturday Easter Vigil

  • Recipes for traditional Lenten treats

  • Holy Week activity printables and coloring sheets

Save by purchasing the Little Way Lent and Holy Week Guide Bundle here!

Little Way Chapel is committed to making all of our resources:

  • User-friendly: Just download, print, and go!

  • Church-friendly: Ecumenical, written for all Christian traditions that follow the church calendar.

  • Family-friendly: Geared towards families with children ages 3-12, but easily adaptable for all ages.

Please download immediately. Links expire after 24 hours. Email alissa@littlewaychapel.com with any issues.

Maundy Thursday.png
Good Friday.png
Holy  Saturday.png
Easter Sunday.png